Time-course and Kinetics Measurement

NOTE: For a similar time-course monitoring experiment on the Bruker instrument, refer to this page. The following is for experiments on a Varian or Agilent NMR spectrometer under VnmrJ.

The simplest method to monitor a reaction (or in general any sample) over a time course is to set up an array experiment. Each of the array elements is an identical repeat of the same experiment. The interval between the array elements can be adjusted and the entire time-course of the reaction or time-dependent event can be tracked by monitoring the peak height, volume or other observables (such as peak positions).

The following instruction applies to the Varian instruments only. Briefly the steps are:

  1. Test a regular, single element experiment to set proper nt and a fixed gain
  2. array pad or nt to set up the series of experiments to build the time course
  3. Type go to start experiment.

Test single experiment: set nt, gain, d1 (recycle delay), at (acquistion time), pad (preacquisition delay)

Set nt and gain

Set up an array of parameter

In general, you can array any parameter if you just want to repeat the same experiment. Here, pad (pre-acquisition delay) is used an example. If pad=600 d1=3 nt=64, the experiment waits 600 secs, followed by 64 scans with 3 secs recycle delay between the scans. To check how long the experiment takes, type time.

If pad is arrayed, pad=600,600,600,600, ..... the experiment waits 600 secs (10 mins) before collecting a 64-scan spectrum, then wait another 10 mins, collect another 64-scan spectrum, .... until the last element of pad is done. All spectra are saved into the same experiment (as in a 2D experiment), with multiple elements. See note below on how to accurately calculate the delay time between the data points.

To set an array, from the command line:

This sets up an array experiment with 50 element repeat of the same experiment with nt scans with 600 secs waiting in between. Type da and click Process->Text output panel to see the arrayed values.

To avoid the first element to start after a long pad wait, you may insert a brief wait to the front of the array, by entering: pad=0.1,pad. This allows the first experiment to start after 0.1 sec.

Type go to start experiment.

Check total experiment time

Type time to check total experiment time.

Other parameters to array if non-stop data collection is desired

If waiting between each experiment is not desired, you can set pad=0 and array nt and give it the same value.

This example sets up 50 experiments in an array each with nt scans with no waiting in between the experiment except the recycle delay d1. Each experiment is saved in a separate spectrum in a single FID data file, just like the array for pad.

Type go to start experiment.

Array data processing and display

As the experiment goes, type wft f full aph to transform and auto-phase all. The 1st element is displayed. Make proper phase adjustment, expand region if necessary. Click Process->autoprocess to apply automatic processing (into a vertical stack mode with offset), but sometimes the macro doesn't work well. Alternatively, refer to the following commands for manual processing and array display:

Printing of arrayed spectra

After processing and proper display is made on screen, modify and enter the following commands:

Integrals can be either on or off just as in single spectrum display/printing.

Data analysis

Total delay between data points (or array elements):

In most cases, you want to plot the observables (peak height or volume/integral) as a function of time and perform fitting and further analysis. Peak volume or integral is preferred due to its advantage in being insensitive to drift in shims over the experiment duration. Except for simple exponentials, this should be done with your own fitting program with the text files generated below.

Peak height is simply the maximum peak height (relative or absolute) for a peak. Peak intensity is an term where there is widespread confusion about what it means and it is misused to refer to peak height in Varian manuals. It should mean peak volume per unit area. I suggest you stay with the term peak height and peak volume (or integral).

To use peak height as an observable (Y-axis) and time course as the variable (X-axis), follow these steps after processing the array:

To use peak volume (to be continued)

H. Zhou updated Aug 2011