NMR Theory and Techniques
Note: During training and assisting students and researchers, I often find it helpful to go over some
NMR theory which is usually picked up in bits and pieces sporadically over the years for most users. Evidently, this work has evolved
into a much bigger project in a short time. I hope these materials will spur more interest in NMR and
help all users, especially new ones, to broaden their skills and understanding of the NMR techniques. Some
data shown here are synthesized, perfect data for illustration purposes. The data are generated with in-house
written Tcl/Tk scripts, converted to nmrPipe binary
data, and then processed with Mnova. Many common NMR terminologies are
highlighted in bold. Since other aspects of the NMR techniques are covered in various lab classes, focus is given here
to better understanding the mathematical and physical basis of various NMR observations and techniques.
Some are very relevant to routine practice, especially in the design of NMR experiments and data interpretation.
-- Hongjun Zhou, @UCSB, 01/2019
"I insist upon the view that 'all is waves'." -- Erwin Schrödinger in Letter to John Lighton Synge (1959)
Updated, Jan-Feb 2019, Hongjun Zhou
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