NMR Training

You are strongly advised not to seek training way ahead of the time when you will be ready to use the instruments regularly. The best timing is when you will be able to practice or use the instruments within a week after training.

Request for training

For new users only, please fill out (1) the Request for Training form (PDF fillable form) and (2) the Policy and Safety Acknowledgement form (PDF fillable form) and send them to the facility manager. You can also e-mail the information along with an e-mail approval for training from your supervisor.

For existing users, please e-mail or meet with the facility manager with training request along with the following information:

  1. time frame of the training you desire, or the reservation time if time is already reserved. You are advised not to reserve time ahead of time before consulting with the manager.
  2. specific experiments or routines you want to get trained for

New users

All potential users who intend to use on a regular basis any of the NMR spectrometers at the facility must undergo training, usually in a stepwise fashion, from simple operation and experiments towards more complicated ones, depending on needs. The Facility manager will discuss with the user about the research to be conducted and the user experience level. A decision will be made based on this discussion about the best training method. Unless prior experience with specific NMR spectrometer and software exists, the user is typically trained starting with 1H detection and processing.

Operator Service and Infrequent Users

Researchers and students who have not undergone training and certification may submit samples to be run by Facility personnel. This option is recommended for, and may be imposed upon, users who have little instrument experience or very infrequent needs for NMR data. Infrequent use is considered as NMR spectrometer operations roughly once once every few months. This, however, does not include infrequent use by experienced users.

Existing users

Training is also available to existing users who want to gain experience with specific routines or experiments on one or multiple instruments. This training is typically offered based on specific needs in the near future. The facility manager, in consultation with the user and on the basis of the experiments to be conducted, user experience level, and machine availability, will recommend what will be the proper instrument for the training.

Training fees and charges

Currently, there is no fee for general training or account setup for campus users. For a new user, a user account is created and the user is expected to use their project code to pay for instrument usage time used at the regular hourly rate during and after the training period.

All off-campus users should contact the Facility manager for training details and department procedures for account setup. External rates and fees apply as listed on the rates page

H. Zhou updated Jan 2019

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